Tessa GiffordMassage & Yoga
Massage and BodyWork for all Bodies.
1 Independence Way, Brewster, Ma.
774-271-1162 tcglmt@gmail.com
Massage to Manage Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is different from acute pain in that, unlike acute pain, it no longer serves to inform the mind of an injury or to protect the injury, but is rather a pain that continues without resolution. Many people suffer from chronic pain from a variety of causes. Among these causes are Fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, migraines, neck and back pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Parkinson’s Disease, Lyme Disease, phantom leg syndrome, and many others.
Massage can help those with chronic pain by increasing levels of the hormones that act as anti-pain agents in the body and impart a good mood. More directly, relieving active and latent trigger points can relieve much referred pain in the body. In addition to lessening pain, depression, and anxiety, massage encourages deeper sleep, which is especially important for those suffering from chronic pain. It can also be used to increase range of motion in restricted tissues effected by pain.
The type of massage most beneficial for those in chronic pain changes from person to person, and so it is important to talk to your massage therapist about your symptoms and needs. I would be more than happy to talk to you about a massage treatment plan that could most benefit you.